Tips for dealing with digital media for kids

1. Be a role model

Everyday family life. If the parents already look at their mobile phones at the breakfast table, this is also "normal" for the children. Reflect on your own media consumption and be aware that your children are oriented towards you. In the first two years of life, digital media should only be used rarely: In passive looking at a screen, the component of interaction with things and rooms, which is important for young children, is missing, and rapid image changes can lead to sensory overload.

2. It's all in the mix

It's like with nutrition: a balanced day consists of variety. Plan not only guided leisure activities, but also plenty of time for free, undisturbed play. A few minutes in front of the TV or tablet can provide variety for older children. Afterwards, give your child the opportunity to act out what they have seen, draw or recreate with building materials.

3. Accompany your child

The best way for children to conquer the digital world is gradually, together with their parents. Let your child get to know the mouse and keyboard, show him age-appropriate videos or websites. In pre-school age, offers with lots of pictures are added especially suitable for children. From elementary school age, you should talk about the dangers of the Internet and explain how to recognize secure websites.

4. Rules instead of prohibitions

Even when it comes to digital media use, bans are not very effective. Instead, set up rules together with your child about how often, for how long and what digital media they are allowed to use and also explain the meaning of these rules.

5. Have confidence in responsibility

Dealing with media responsibly requires a long learning process and requires ongoing support. In video games with violent scenes, caution is advised, but not panic: Let your child show you the game and express your concerns. Also discuss how your child notices how realistic content is and what the consequences of too long digital media consumption are (e.g. lack of concentration as a sign of fatigue).

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