Mango: Exotic miracle fruit!

The mango is one of the exotic miracle fruits in terms of taste and vitamin content. The tender flesh of the medium-sized fruit with the thick, green to red skin is juicy and incomparably sweet. But not only the joy for the palate is great - health also benefits from regular mango enjoyment.

Author: Flavia Naef, 02.08

Vitamin bomb and beauty fruit

The high vitamin C content strengthens the immune system and the vitamin A contained in large quantities ensures our beauty: it prevents premature skin aging and strengthens eyesight. The mango stimulates the appetite and digestion, strengthens the heart and supports the brain.

In India, the mango is even used to stop bleeding. The powdered stone is said to have the power to provide relief from smallpox, rheumatismdiarrhea and worms. The reddish resin of the branches is sweaty and the leaf decoction is used as gargle water for angina, toothache, asthma and bronchitis. The ash of the leaves is said to help with burns, and the bark is used for rheumatism.

Do you already know our local vitamin C bomb?

Mango: Fruit from the rainforest

Mango on the tree

The mango tree originally comes from an area between India and Burma and is at home in the tropical rainforest, but is now found as a cultivated plant in many parts of the world. In Europe, the trees are mainly grown in Spain, but the difficult cultivation is also becoming increasingly popular among hobby gardeners.

The mango plays a major role in Indian culture. It is, so to speak, the national fruit of the Indians and has religious significance for Hindus and Buddhists. Buddha rested in the shade of a mango tree, a symbol of power and strength. Mango blossoms are associated with Hindu deities and are an important love motif in poetry.

How to

To cut a mango, you should use a certain method, as it is sometimes difficult to remove the flesh from the stone.

First, peel the fruit. Then use a long knife to cut the flesh lengthwise and crosswise on one side to create a box pattern. The individual pieces can thus be easily lifted parallel to the core. The same procedure is followed on the other side. But you should be careful because the juicy flesh makes stains that are difficult to remove.

Mango, popular exotic in the kitchen

Mango Slices

Mangoes are ideal as a snack or as a dessert to round it off: pure or refined - they are simply always an unforgettable treat.

Although the mango itself is sweet and juicy enough, you can of course combine it with other sweets: whipped cream or liquid honey will certainly please those with a sweet tooth. But the mango doesn't just taste wonderful as a dessert; why not try to include the tropical fruit in a main course? It cuts just as good a figure in sauces, dressings and salads as it does with poultry, for example. With the addition of a little mango pulp and/or mango juice, you can give your dishes that certain exotic touch.

Recipe tip

Here we have put together some A.Vogel recipes with mango for you. It's worth trying!

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